And mark your calendars for this summer’s other AHS events:
Culver and Lake Maxinkuckee Museum of History grand re-opening (more details to come, and available here). (Sat., June 14, 1 p.m. as part of Taste of Culver at Jefferson and Main Streets).
Annual AHS meeting (July 12, 10 a.m. at the Culver Public Library), with Jeff Kenney presenting a look at police work and the major crimes of Culver’s past.
There is so much that is shady in the story of the Huckleberry Queen (August 16, 10 a.m. at the Culver Library large conference room); stories can only be whispered or told in secret. Come and enjoy Anna Liechty, from Plymouth, as she tells the story of the “Confessions of the Huckleberry Queen.”
Preserving your historic home – myths and answers, with preservation architect Kurt Garner, will be the topic at the AHS’ annual wine and cheese gathering in September (exact date and details to be announced).
For more information, email, or call 574-635-0053.